| Check out the March Madness Bracket Challenge! Our newest annual event! | |  | Join us for our first-ever annual March Madness Bracket Challenge! Enter to win one of three epic prizes! 1st Place wins a Smoker, 2nd Place wins a Wellness Package, and 3rd Place wins a Sports Package! The cost is $15 per bracket and all proceeds will go toward funding the Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association and the amazing programs we provide for foster, kinship, and adoptive families. Selection Sunday is March 14th and all entries must be in by March 17th. | | | |  | |  | You will want to read this heart-wrenching story about a grandmother who lovingly took in her grandchildren even during the hardship of losing a child of her own. (name abbreviated as D.A. for privacy) D.A. welcomed three of her grandchildren into her home after losing her own son, the father of two of her grandchildren. Her son was the victim of a tragic homicide. Despite grieving the loss of her son, D.A. has been working hard to complete her Caregiver licensing and is providing for her three grandchildren by seeing that they attend school, receive proper medical care, and have a safe and secure place to call home. In yet another display of intentional and loving care, D.A. has also contacted the Parents as Teachers program for her youngest grandson as she suspects some developmental delays and wants to make sure he has the best education possible. She deserves to be recognized as a hero and commended for her ability to step up and care for her grandchildren even during the toughest of times. D.A. has been provided with a $100 gift card for groceries because food stamps were denied, and she has utilized available food pantries considering the many closings due to poor weather and road conditions. CMFCAA is determined to make sure D.A. and others like her are cared for no matter what. | | |  | |  | CMFCAA's Direct Services program has been busy planning, packing, and distributing Carepacks, Begin Again Backpacks, and Funpacks to foster care, kinship, and adoptive youth across Central Missouri! These care packages and backpacks carry fun activities or necessities depending on the situation, and they are only one aspect of the Direct Services program. DS is responsible for providing care, support, and provisions for foster and adoptive families who are in need. Some of the many ways DS supports our families is through Odyssey Events and care packages, and through collaboration with 4-H Spin Club Events. These events and packages were created to give kids a fun and educational program while giving caregivers some much-needed time to relax. Making sure our families are taken care of is what DS is all about! Read the Spring Magazine to learn more about our programs. | | |  | CMFCAA's Direct Services Program handed out February CarePacks and received some great feedback! Building bird-feeders and studying up on birdhouses kept families and kids busy throughout the coldest month. “We had so much fun using the January Care Pack to make the hanging bird feeder for the birds. Thank you so much for these care packs.” J. Y. | | | | |  | Another Direct Services happy ending! A local foster mom called to ask about help locating a bunk bed. She was about to get placement of a young boy who would be sharing a room with her son. We purchased a bunk bed that day and delivered it right to her door. She was so thankful! She sent a picture with a cute thank you note. “Thanks so much Central Missouri Foster Care and Adoption Association for providing a bunk bed! In less than 24 hours of my request I had bunkbeds at my door! I was not expecting to be given a brand-new bunk bed, so generous of them. The boys are happy 😊” | | |  | | | CMFCAA's CCYP® team is still working hard on the front lines of care for youth ages 17-26 who are in need of support and provisions as they age out of the foster care system. The goal is to give these young people the opportunity to become independent and successful young adults within society. Connecting youth with housing, education, food, medical support, and more, the CCYP® team stays busy serving our underserved youth. | | | The Family Development Program is going strong providing training for caregivers and families who are planning to become foster care/adoption ready. This February, the team held a CPR/First Aid training day and they had a great turnout! If you are considering foster care or adoption, be sure to check out CMFCAA's Family Development Program. | | | | | | Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association 809 Swifts Hwy. | Jefferson City, Missouri 65109 573-298-0258 | info@mofosteradopt.com | | | | | | | | |